We believe in giving back to our community. Being an online U.S. retailer, our community includes not just Texas where we reside, but ALL of the United States. We feel blessed to be called to serve non-profits nationwide. Our mission with our free Fundraising Program is to give non-profit organizations a way to raise funds year round with quality, heartfelt gifts that people already buy many times a year.
Every holiday, birthday, and anniversary, every day of the year people give gifts. The Christmas season, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, and Father's Day are all prime times of the year to do fundraising with gifts.
You can feel confident that all products are quality made. All orders get Free Shipping. We pay for the shipping and shipping is NOT deducted from your earnings. If a purchase is $100, your organization receives $35.
What are the requirements for my non-profit to participate?
The only requirements are that your non-profit is U.S. Based, must have a valid EIN and must submit a W9 for your non-profit to receive payments from My Heart My Love Gifts LLC. We are required to file a 1099 for any payments made to your organization, even if you are 501c3 tax exempt. We are not responsible for any tax obligation you may or may not have. We cannot provide tax advice or legal advice.
Does my non-profit have to be 501c3 to participate?
No, your non-profit does not have to be 501c3 to participate, however, a valid EIN is required and you must submit a W9 to receive your payments from My Heart My Love Gifts LLC. We are required to file a 1099 for any payments made to your organization. We are not responsible for your taxes and cannot provide tax advice or legal advice.
How are earnings tracked and calculated?
We will create your non-profit a fundraiser page and provide a unique fundraiser url (link) that you will share online or through email, and when clicked, the link will track clicks and purchases. We provide you with a Tracking Dashboard to allow you to login and see in real-time the number of clicks, purchases and earnings calculated from your fundraiser tracking link.
Your earnings are calculated by the sub-total before sales tax. We provide free shipping and we do NOT deduct our shipping cost from your earnings. For example, someone sees a post on social media or email and clicks on your fundraiser link. They purchase 2 items priced at $69.95 each. Before tax that order sub-total is $139.90. That means your fundraiser earns 35% of $139.90, which is $48.97.
How and when does my non-profit get paid?
You will be paid by check, payable to your non-profit organization. Checks are mailed to the verified non-profit mailing address that appears on your W-9 and EIN. Checks will be mailed USPS Priority Mail Certified Signature Required every month on the 27th for the previous month's earnings. For example, on November 27th, a check will be mailed for October's earnings.
The ONLY exception to that rule is in December when you will be mailed a check on December 27th for November's earnings and on December 31st, a check will be mailed for December's earnings, so that we may close out our books for the year.
That also means no checks are mailed on January 27th, since December will have already been paid. Then, on February 27th, a check for January's earnings will be mailed. The rest of the year will follow the same payment schedule on the 27th of each month for the previous month's earnings.
How do we promote our fundraiser to get the best results?
It's very easy to promote an online fundraiser through your website, social media, email, and text.
- Add a special Fundraiser banner to your website and link it to your Fundraising page link that we create for you. If you need us to provide a banner image for you, we are happy to create that for you.
- Send an email to all your subscribers. Include a short message and the link to your fundraising page (that we will create for you).
- Post the link to your fundraising page on all of your social media channels, including: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, YouTube or any others.
- In every email and post, ask for your followers and subscribers to please share your post on their social media profiles.
- The more you post your fundraiser link and the more your members, followers and subscribers share your fundraiser link, the more people will see and support your cause.
- The Christmas season is the biggest time for multiple gift buying and our gifts are sentimental and heartfelt for high salability.
- If you need us to provide social media posts and messaging for you to email and post on social media, we are happy to provide some.
How much will my fundraiser earn?
While we place no limitations on the amount you are able to earn with your fundraiser, we cannot make claims or guarantees on your earning potential. Your earnings will depend on how actively the fundraiser gets promoted. With active members, followers, and supporters helping you spread the word and sharing your fundraiser page link, you will have a great chance at success. If you post once and send out only one email, you will not earn very much. It doesn't cost your non-profit money to promote or earn, but it does take some time and effort to get the word out and encourage people to support your fundraiser. Purchasing a gift that they already need to purchase and at the same time supports your charity is easier than just asking for someone's money.
Can we promote our fundraiser to countries outside of the USA?
No. Please only promote in the USA. We only sell to the USA and Canada. For security purposes, other countries are completely restricted from accessing our website.